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毫不夸张的说,能否写出高效实用的脚本代码,直接影响着一个程序员的幸福生活[下班时间]下面整理 8 个实用的 Python 脚本,需要的时候改改直接用,建议收藏!1.解决 linux 下 unzip 乱码的问题。


import os import sys import zipfile import argparse s = \x1b[%d;%dm%s\x1b[0m def unzip(path): file = zipfile.ZipFile(path,”r”) if args.secret: file.setpassword(args.secret) for name in file.namelist(): try: utf8name=name.decode(gbk) pathname = os.path.dirname(utf8name) except: utf8name=name pathname = os.path.dirname(utf8name) #print s % (1, 92, >> extracting:), utf8name #pathname = os.path.dirname(utf8name) if not os.path.exists(pathname) and pathname != “”: os.makedirs(pathname) data = file.read(name) if not os.path.exists(utf8name): try: fo = open(utf8name, “w”) fo.write(data) fo.close except: pass file.close() def main(argv): ###################################################### # for argparse p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=解决unzip乱码) p.add_argument(xxx, type=str, nargs=*, \ help=命令对象.) p.add_argument(-s, –secret, action=store, \ default=None, help=密码) global args args = p.parse_args(argv[1:]) xxx = args.xxx for path in xxx: if path.endswith(.zip): if os.path.exists(path): print s % (1, 97, ++ unzip:), path unzip(path) else: print s % (1, 91, !! file doesn\t exist.), path else: print s % (1, 91, !! file isn\t a zip file.), path if __name__ == __main__: argv = sys.argv main(argv)


2.统计当前根目录代码行数# coding=utf-8 import os import time # 设定根目录 basedir = ./ filelists = [] # 指定想要统计的文件类型 whitelist = [cpp, h] #遍历文件, 递归遍历文件夹中的所有 def getFile(basedir): global filelists for parent,dirnames,filenames in os.walk(basedir): for filename in filenames: ext = filename.split(.)[-1] #只统计指定的文件类型,略过一些log和cache文件 if ext in whitelist: filelists.append(os.path.join(parent,filename)) #统计一个的行数 def countLine(fname): count = 0 # 把文件做二进制看待,read. for file_line in open(fname, rb).readlines(): if file_line != and file_line != \n: #过滤掉空行 count += 1 print (fname + —- , count) return count if __name__ == __main__ : startTime = time.clock() getFile(basedir) totalline = 0 for filelist in filelists: totalline = totalline + countLine(filelist) print (total lines:,totalline) print (Done! Cost Time: %0.2f second % (time.clock() – startTime)) 。


3.扫描当前目录和所有子目录并显示大小import os import sys try: directory = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: sys.exit(“Must provide an argument.”) dir_size = 0 fsizedicr = {Bytes: 1, Kilobytes: float(1) / 1024, Megabytes: float(1) / (1024 * 1024), Gigabytes: float(1) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)} for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(directory): for file in files: filename = os.path.join(path, file) dir_size += os.path.getsize(filename) fsizeList = [str(round(fsizedicr[key] * dir_size, 2)) + ” ” + key for key in fsizedicr] if dir_size == 0: print (“File Empty”) else: for units in sorted(fsizeList)[::-1]: print (“Folder Size: ” + units) 。


4.将源目录240天以上的所有文件移动到目标目录import shutil import sys import time import os import argparse usage = python move_files_over_x_days.py -src [SRC] -dst [DST] -days [DAYS] description = Move files from src to dst if they are older than a certain number of days. Default is 240 days args_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage, description=description) args_parser.add_argument(-src, –src, type=str, nargs=?, default=., help=(OPTIONAL) Directory where files will be moved from. Defaults to current directory) args_parser.add_argument(-dst, –dst, type=str, nargs=?, required=True, help=(REQUIRED) Directory where files will be moved to.) args_parser.add_argument(-days, –days, type=int, nargs=?, default=240, help=(OPTIONAL) Days value specifies the minimum age of files to be moved. Default is 240.) args = args_parser.parse_args() if args.days < 0: args.days = 0 src = args.src # 设置源目录 dst = args.dst # 设置目标目录 days = args.days # 设置天数 now = time.time() # 获得当前时间 if not os.path.exists(dst): os.mkdir(dst) for f in os.listdir(src): # 遍历源目录所有文件 if os.stat(f).st_mtime < now – days * 86400: # 判断是否超过240天 if os.path.isfile(f): # 检查是否是文件 shutil.move(f, dst) # 移动文件 。


5.扫描脚本目录,并给出不同类型脚本的计数import os import shutil from time import strftime logsdir=”c:\logs\puttylogs” zipdir=”c:\logs\puttylogs\zipped_logs” zip_program=”zip.exe” for files in os.listdir(logsdir): if files.endswith(“.log”): files1=files+”.”+strftime(“%Y-%m-%d”)+”.zip” os.chdir(logsdir) os.system(zip_program + ” ” + files1 +” “+ files) shutil.move(files1, zipdir) os.remove(files) 。


6.下载Leetcode的算法题import sys import re import os import argparse import requests from lxml import html as lxml_html try: import html except ImportError: import HTMLParser html = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() try: import cPickle as pk except ImportError: import pickle as pk class LeetcodeProblems(object): def get_problems_info(self): leetcode_url = https://leetcode.com/problemset/algorithms res = requests.get(leetcode_url) if not res.ok: print(request error) sys.exit() cm = res.text cmt = cm.split(tbody>)[-2] indexs = re.findall(r(\d+), cmt) problem_urls = [https://leetcode.com + url \ for url in re.findall( r

7.将 Markdown 转换为 HTMLimport sys import os from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import markdown class MarkdownToHtml: headTag = def __init__(self,cssFilePath = None): if cssFilePath != None: self.genStyle(cssFilePath) def genStyle(self,cssFilePath): with open(cssFilePath,r) as f: cssString = f.read() self.headTag = self.headTag[:-7] + {}.format(cssString) + self.headTag[-7:] def markdownToHtml(self, sourceFilePath, destinationDirectory = None, outputFileName = None): if not destinationDirectory: # 未定义输出目录则将源文件目录(注意要转换为绝对路径)作为输出目录 destinationDirectory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sourceFilePath)) if not outputFileName: # 未定义输出文件名则沿用输入文件名 outputFileName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sourceFilePath))[0] + .html if destinationDirectory[-1] != /: destinationDirectory += / with open(sourceFilePath,r, encoding=utf8) as f: markdownText = f.read() # 编译出原始 HTML 文本 rawHtml = self.headTag + markdown.markdown(markdownText,output_format=html5) # 格式化 HTML 文本为可读性更强的格式 beautifyHtml = BeautifulSoup(rawHtml,html5lib).prettify() with open(destinationDirectory + outputFileName, w, encoding=utf8) as f: f.write(beautifyHtml) if __name__ == “__main__”: mth = MarkdownToHtml() # 做一个命令行参数列表的浅拷贝,不包含脚本文件名 argv = sys.argv[1:] # 目前列表 argv 可能包含源文件路径之外的元素(即选项信息) # 程序最后遍历列表 argv 进行编译 markdown 时,列表中的元素必须全部是源文件路径 outputDirectory = None if -s in argv: cssArgIndex = argv.index(-s) +1 cssFilePath = argv[cssArgIndex] # 检测样式表文件路径是否有效 if not os.path.isfile(cssFilePath): print(Invalid Path: +cssFilePath) sys.exit() mth.genStyle(cssFilePath) # pop 顺序不能随意变化 argv.pop(cssArgIndex) argv.pop(cssArgIndex-1) if -o in argv: dirArgIndex = argv.index(-o) +1 outputDirectory = argv[dirArgIndex] # 检测输出目录是否有效 if not os.path.isdir(outputDirectory): print(Invalid Directory: + outputDirectory) sys.exit() # pop 顺序不能随意变化 argv.pop(dirArgIndex) argv.pop(dirArgIndex-1) # 至此,列表 argv 中的元素均是源文件路径 # 遍历所有源文件路径 for filePath in argv: # 判断文件路径是否有效 if os.path.isfile(filePath): mth.markdownToHtml(filePath, outputDirectory) else: print(Invalid Path: + filePath) 。


8.文本文件编码检测与转换import sys import os import argparse from chardet.universaldetector import UniversalDetector parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 文本文件编码检测与转换) parser.add_argument(filePaths, nargs = +, help = 检测或转换的文件路径) parser.add_argument(-e, –encoding, nargs = ?, const = UTF-8, help = 目标编码。

支持的编码有: ASCII, (Default) UTF-8 (with or without a BOM), UTF-16 (with a BOM), UTF-32 (with a BOM), Big5, GB2312/GB18030, EUC-TW, HZ-GB-2312, ISO-2022-CN, EUC-JP, SHIFT_JIS, ISO-2022-JP, ISO-2022-KR, KOI8-R, MacCyrillic, IBM855, IBM866, ISO-8859-5, windows-1251, ISO-8859-2, windows-1250, EUC-KR, ISO-8859-5, windows-1251, ISO-8859-1, windows-1252, ISO-8859-7, windows-1253, ISO-8859-8, windows-1255, TIS-620 ) parser.add_argument(-o, –output, help = 输出目录) # 解析参数,得到一个 Namespace 对象 args = parser.parse_args() # 输出目录不为空即视为开启转换, 若未指定转换编码,则默认为 UTF-8 if args.output != None: if not args.encoding: # 默认使用编码 UTF-8 args.encoding = UTF-8 # 检测用户提供的输出目录是否有效 if not os.path.isdir(args.output): print(Invalid Directory: + args.output) sys.exit() else: if args.output[-1] != /: args.output += / # 实例化一个通用检测器 detector = UniversalDetector() print() print(Encoding (Confidence),:,File path) for filePath in args.filePaths: # 检测文件路径是否有效,无效则跳过 if not os.path.isfile(filePath): print(Invalid Path: + filePath) continue # 重置检测器 detector.reset() # 以二进制模式读取文件 for each in open(filePath, rb): # 检测器读取数据 detector.feed(each) # 若检测完成则跳出循环 if detector.done: break # 关闭检测器 detector.close() # 读取结果 charEncoding = detector.result[encoding] confidence = detector.result[confidence] # 打印信息 if charEncoding is None: charEncoding = Unknown confidence = 0.99 print({} {:>12} : {}.format(charEncoding.rjust(8), (+str(confidence*100)+%), filePath)) if args.encoding and charEncoding != Unknown and confidence > 0.6: # 若未设置输出目录则覆盖源文件 outputPath = args.output + os.path.basename(filePath) if args.output else filePath with open(filePath, r, encoding = charEncoding, errors = replace) as f: temp = f.read() with open(outputPath, w, encoding = args.encoding, errors = replace) as f: f.write(temp) 。

最后两个脚本内容选至实验楼的课程《使用 Python3 编写系列实用脚本》,课程对这两个脚本有详细的实现过程讲解,感兴趣的同学可以直接前往实验楼进行学习!

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