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6.python3 gui编程

7.python gui ide





作者:闲欢来源:Python 技术像 PySimpleGUI 这类 GUI 界面,跟 Web 页面是不具备可比性的,后者想做得美观简直太容易了而 GUI 界面本来就是为了生成可执行的软件而生的,在美观上先天性不足。


PySimpleGUI 是 python GUI 框架中的佼佼者,适用于快速生成简洁大方的 GUI使用它来写 GUI 已经比较快了,那么还有没有更快的方法吗?答案是肯定的,本文就为你揭晓!GUI 实例PySimpleGUI 在GitHub上的地址是:




有很多内容是不是?这里面有一个重要的内容,在 DemoPrograms 文件夹下,这个文件夹是作者写的一些 demo 实例作者真的是深谙我们这些懒虫的心理,即使有了这么简单好用的 GUI 框架,到了要写实例的时候,我们也可能会去网络上搜索实例,然后采用 。


CV大法框架作者可能料想到这一点,所以他自己写了很多不同的实例,让你真正的拿来即用这个文件夹下大概有300多个实例,基本上可以囊括我们平时使用 python 写 GUI 所能遇到的各种组件和布局了CV 几个看看

6.python3 gui编程

有了这个神器,我们只需要把这个 GitHub 上的项目给复制到本地,然后将这些实例运行一遍,大致知道每个实例u哪些内容后续当我们自己要写 GUI 时,我们只需要找到对应的实例,然后复制代码就可以了是不是很简单?。

7.python gui ide

下面我来运行几个 demo ,给大家展示一下这里面的实例都是什么样子的聊天界面我们先复制一下源码:#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport PySimpleGUI as sg A chatbot with history Scroll up and down through prior commands using the arrow keys Special keyboard keys: Up arrow – scroll up in commands Down arrow – scroll down in commands Escape – clear current command Control C – exit form 。


defChatBotWithHistory():# ——- Make a new Window ——- ## give our form a spiffy set of colors


sg.theme(GreenTan) layout = [[sg.Text(Your output will go here, size=(40, 1))], [sg.Output(size=(


127, 30), font=(Helvetica 10))], [sg.Text(Command History), sg.Text(, size=(

20, 3), key=history)], [sg.ML(size=(85, 5), enter_submits=True, key=query, do_not_clear=

False), sg.Button(SEND, button_color=(sg.YELLOWS[0], sg.BLUES[0]), bind_return_key=True

), sg.Button(EXIT, button_color=(sg.YELLOWS[0], sg.GREENS[0]))]] window = sg.Window(

Chat window with history, layout, default_element_size=(30, 2), font=(

Helvetica, 13), default_button_element_size=(8, 2), return_keyboard_events=

True) # —===— Loop taking in user input and using it — # command_history = [] history_offset =

0whileTrue: event, value = window.read() if event == SEND: query = value[

query].rstrip() # EXECUTE YOUR COMMAND HERE print(The command you entered was {}

.format(query)) command_history.append(query) history_offset = len(command_history)

-1# manually clear input because keyboard events blocks clear window[query].update() window[

history].update(\n.join(command_history[-3:])) elif event in (sg.WIN_CLOSED, EXIT):

# quit if exit event or XbreakelifUpin event and len(command_history): command = command_history[history_offset]

# decrement is not zero history_offset -= 1 * (history_offset > 0) window[query

].update(command) elifDownin event and len(command_history): # increment up to end of list

history_offset += 1 * (history_offset < len(command_history)-1) command = command_history[history_offset] window[

query].update(command) elifEscapein event: window[query].update() ChatBotWithHistory()


这是一个带历史记录的聊天软件,如果你需要做一个类似的软件的话,可以直接复制代码,然后稍微改动一下组件大全我们再来看一个例子:#!/usr/bin/env python””” Example of (almost) all Elements, that you can use in PySimpleGUI. Shows you the basics including: Naming convention for keys Menubar format Right click menu format Table format Running an async event loop Theming your application (requires a window restart) Displays the values dictionary entry for each element And more! Copyright 2021 PySimpleGUI “””。

import PySimpleGUI as sg defmake_window(theme): sg.theme(theme) menu_def = [[&Application, [

E&xit]], [&Help, [&About]] ] right_click_menu_def = [[], [Nothing,More Nothing,Exit

]] # Table Data data = [[“John”, 10], [“Jen”, 5]] headings = [“Name”, “Score”] input_layout = [[sg.Menu(menu_def, key=

-MENU-)], [sg.Text(Anything that requires user-input is in this tab!)], [sg.Input(key=

-INPUT-)], [sg.Slider(orientation=h, key=-SKIDER-), sg.Image(data=sg.DEFAULT_BASE64_LOADING_GIF, enable_events=

True, key=-GIF-IMAGE-),], [sg.Checkbox(Checkbox, default=True, k=-CB-)], [sg.Radio(

Radio1, “RadioDemo”, default=True, size=(10,1), k=-R1-), sg.Radio(Radio2, “RadioDemo”, default=True, size=(

10,1), k=-R2-)], [sg.Combo(values=(Combo 1, Combo 2, Combo 3), default_value=Combo 1, readonly=

True, k=-COMBO-), sg.OptionMenu(values=(Option 1, Option 2, Option 3), k=-OPTION MENU-

),], [sg.Spin([i for i in range(1,11)], initial_value=10, k=-SPIN-), sg.Text(Spin)], [sg.Multiline(

Demo of a Multi-Line Text Element!\nLine 2\nLine 3\nLine 4\nLine 5\nLine 6\nLine 7\nYou get the point.

, size=(45,5), k=-MLINE-)], [sg.Button(Button), sg.Button(Popup), sg.Button(image_data=sg.DEFAULT_BASE64_ICON, key=

-LOGO-)]] asthetic_layout = [[sg.T(Anything that you would use for asthetics is in this tab!)], [sg.Image(data=sg.DEFAULT_BASE64_ICON, k=

-IMAGE-)], [sg.ProgressBar(1000, orientation=h, size=(20, 20), key=-PROGRESS BAR-), sg.Button(

Test Progress bar)]] logging_layout = [[sg.Text(“Anything printed will display here!”)], [sg.Output(size=(

60,15), font=Courier 8)]] graphing_layout = [[sg.Text(“Anything you would use to graph will display here!”

)], [sg.Graph((200,200), (0,0),(200,200),background_color=”black”, key=-GRAPH-, enable_events=

True)], [sg.T(Click anywhere on graph to draw a circle)], [sg.Table(values=data, headings=headings, max_col_width=

25, background_color=black, auto_size_columns=

True, display_row_numbers=True, justification=

right, num_rows=2, alternating_row_color=

black, key=-TABLE-, row_height=25)]] specalty_layout = [[sg.Text(

“Any \”special\” elements will display here!”)], [sg.Button(“Open Folder”)], [sg.Button(

“Open File”)]] theme_layout = [[sg.Text(“See how elements look under different themes by choosing a different theme here!”

)], [sg.Listbox(values = sg.theme_list(), size =(20, 12), key =

-THEME LISTBOX-, enable_events = True)], [sg.Button(“Set Theme”

)]] layout = [[sg.Text(Demo Of (Almost) All Elements, size=(38, 1), justification=center, font=(

“Helvetica”, 16), relief=sg.RELIEF_RIDGE, k=-TEXT HEADING-, enable_events=True)]] layout +=[[sg.TabGroup([[ sg.Tab(

Input Elements, input_layout), sg.Tab(Asthetic Elements, asthetic_layout), sg.Tab(

Graphing, graphing_layout), sg.Tab(Specialty, specalty_layout), sg.Tab(

Theming, theme_layout), sg.Tab(Output, logging_layout)]], key=-TAB GROUP-

)]] return sg.Window(All Elements Demo, layout, right_click_menu=right_click_menu_def)

defmain(): window = make_window(sg.theme()) # This is an Event Loop whileTrue: event, values = window.read(timeout=

100) # keep an animation running so show things are happening window[-GIF-IMAGE-].update_animation(sg.DEFAULT_BASE64_LOADING_GIF, time_between_frames=

100) if event notin (sg.TIMEOUT_EVENT, sg.WIN_CLOSED): print(============ Event =

, event, ==============) print(——– Values Dictionary (key=value) ——–)

for key in values: print(key, = ,values[key]) if event in (None, Exit): print(

“[LOG] Clicked Exit!”) breakelif event == About: print(“[LOG] Clicked About!”

) sg.popup(PySimpleGUI Demo All Elements, Right click anywhere to see right click menu

, Visit each of the tabs to see available elements, Output of event and values can be see in Output tab

, The event and values dictionary is printed after every event) elif event ==

Popup: print(“[LOG] Clicked Popup Button!”) sg.popup(“You pressed a button!”) print(

“[LOG] Dismissing Popup!”) elif event == Test Progress bar: print(“[LOG] Clicked Test Progress Bar!”

) progress_bar = window[-PROGRESS BAR-] for i in range(1000): print(

“[LOG] Updating progress bar by 1 step (“+str(i)+”)”) progress_bar.UpdateBar(i + 1) print(

“[LOG] Progress bar complete!”) elif event == “-GRAPH-“: graph = window[-GRAPH-]

# type: sg.Graph graph.draw_circle(values[-GRAPH-], fill_color=yellow, radius=20) print(

“[LOG] Circle drawn at: ” + str(values[-GRAPH-])) elif event == “Open Folder”: print(

“[LOG] Clicked Open Folder!”) folder_or_file = sg.popup_get_folder(Choose your folder) sg.popup(

“You chose: ” + str(folder_or_file)) print(“[LOG] User chose folder: ” + str(folder_or_file))

elif event == “Open File”: print(“[LOG] Clicked Open File!”) folder_or_file = sg.popup_get_file(

Choose your file) sg.popup(“You chose: ” + str(folder_or_file)) print(“[LOG] User chose file: “

+ str(folder_or_file)) elif event == “Set Theme”: print(“[LOG] Clicked Set Theme!”

) theme_chosen = values[-THEME LISTBOX-][0] print(“[LOG] User Chose Theme: ” + str(theme_chosen)) window.close() window = make_window(theme_chosen) window.close() exit(

0) if __name__ == __main__: main() 我们来看看运行之后的效果:

这个 demo 是 PySimpleGUI 所有组件的集合,每一个 tab 都是一个分类这里面包括进度条、画布、主题、滚动条等等如果你想要找界面组件,到这个 demo 的源码里面找就对了总结这里面还有更多实例,大家就自己去探索吧!这里主要是给大家介绍一个快速开发 GUI 的方法,俗称。


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